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Postal Delays
By: Steve Sokolowski, Marketing Associate
Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative has been made aware that some of our members are being affected by postal delays. This may cause some members’ payment for their bills to “cross” in the mail with the next month’s bill – meaning that your previous month’s payment was not received by us in time for that month’s balance to be cleared. This may cause the next bill to include a “Subject to Disconnect” notice despite payment having been sent to Sussex REC.
While it may be concerning to see a disconnect notice on your bill when you are normally a good payer, please know that this is not a label of delinquency that will affect your account long term if you continue to pay your bill on time. This is a communication tool that will let you know that something has happened with your payment, and this includes a postal delay affecting when we receive your payment. If you see this disconnect notice but you know you’ve paid your outstanding balance, feel free to contact us at 973-875-5101 to confirm that payment has been received.
To get around mailing issues, we recommend that members take advantage of our online payment options! Online payment provides a greater sense of confidence that your bill has been paid on time, especially if you sign up for auto pay. Auto pay, as well as paperless billing, scheduled payments, and usage and billing data are all available to you through your account at To quickly make a payment without an account, our website also offers a quick pay option!
56% of our members took advantage of online payments in 2023, avoiding postal delays and taking power into their own hands to keep their accounts current.