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2025 Rate Adjustment
By: Chris Reese, President & CEO
Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative is proud of its efforts to serve your needs with competitively priced electricity and a high quality of service, as well as making proactive and necessary investments and upgrades to our grid. We strive to deliver safe, reliable, and affordable electricity all day, every day. In fact, SREC’s rates are one of the lowest in the state of New Jersey, only behind four small municipal systems.
Power supply costs, vegetation management services, and prices for materials and equipment have continued to rise, and power reliability is more challenging now than any other time in recent history. As a not-for-profit utility, rates are designed to simply cover the costs of providing reliable power. Our budget for 2025 reflects that, calling for only a 2% profit to generate just enough cash flow to run the utility. The Cooperative operates solely for the benefit of the people and businesses that receive electricity from it, not for any investors or stockholders.
In response to continued cost increases, we must inform you that the rates you pay will be increasing this year as of January 1, 2025. The energy rate (kWh) will increase by 7% for all members, residential and commercial. The System Connection Fee will also increase $3.00 for residential members and $5.00 for commercial members.
Please keep in mind that Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative’s mission is to provide the highest quality of electric service at the lowest cost possible. We certainly appreciate your business and strive to be responsive to your needs for reliable, affordable electric service.
For detailed information on Sussex REC’s rates and your bill, visit