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The Big Picture
By: Steve Sokolowski, Marketing & Member Services Associate
No matter the time or weather, when an outage strikes, Sussex REC’s crews leap into action. While our lineworkers, engineers, and office staff each play their part in restoring power, members at home may not know what goes into outage restoration. Here are five facts about outages and outage restoration which many members may not be aware of:
1. We Need Your Input: Our internal systems can detect when a possible outage has occurred, but member input is extremely helpful in identifying the exact location of a fault and the scope of the problem. Members can report that their power has gone out through our 24/7 outage reporting hotline at 877-504-6463.
2. Preparation is Key to Safety: Because every outage is different, we need to take time to prepare and diagnose the situation before repairs can begin. Before hitting the road, crews take the time to perform safety checks and make sure they have all the equipment needed for the job.
3. It’s a Numbers Game: In any outage, especially large ones, we prioritize restoring power to the largest group of members first. After this, we move on to situations that are affecting fewer members. For example, if a tree fell on the service wire to your home, crews may not be available to help until after they’ve handled larger-scale situations, like damaged transmission lines.
4. Blinks Aren’t Always a Bad Thing: Power blinks can be annoying, but they’re a sign that our system’s protective equipment is working. Reclosers temporarily shut off power when they detect a disturbance on our lines, usually a branch or small animal, to protect our equipment and prevent possible outages.
5. It’s Good to Have a Backup Plan: We do our best to restore power in a timely manner, but we can only work as fast as safety allows. It’s best to have a plan in place for extended outages. Having a generator is extremely helpful, especially for those who rely on electric-powered medical equipment. To cover all your basic needs, we recommend you put together an “outage preparedness kit,” which you can find a guide for at