With the 2024-2025 school year in full swing, we want to remind students, parents, and educators about the opportunities available to them through their electric co-op!
Educational Presentations & Field Trips
Sussex REC offers guest instruction opportunities on power generation, electric safety, and energy efficiency to all grade levels. Teachers who want to schedule a free field trip or presentation can reach us at info@sussexrec.com!
Youth Tour - www.njyouthtour.com
This free trip to Washington, D.C. is available to high school juniors who live in homes powered by Sussex REC. Joining over 1,800 of their peers from across the country, Youth Tour is guaranteed to offer an unforgettable experience to local students.

Scholarships - www.sussexrec.com/scholarships
High school seniors living in Sussex REC-powered homes have access to exclusive scholarships to power their education, no matter what path they take! $2,000 scholarships are available now for both college and trade school. We also offer a $500 award to support students’ community service efforts.