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A Changing Current
By: Chris Reese, President & CEO
Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative has used its newletter to communicate with its members for almost four decades. Since then, how people consume information, connect with one another, and keep current with their electric company have all changed significantly. Through it all, we have always looked at our monthly issue of Currents as a critical piece of our communications with our members.
In 2023 we will be making changes to our distribution model for Currents. You may be wondering: why the change, and why now? One of the main reasons for this change is the fact that many members have switched over to paperless billing, which means they do not currently receive the print version of Currents. If you’re reading this article online, you may count yourself among this group.
Paperless billing is a convenient option for both members and the Co-op. It benefits the environment by saving paper and ensures that there is no chance of your bill being lost in the mail. As postage rates increase, we are looking for any avenue to create savings for the Cooperative, and every member who switches to paperless billing creates a significant savings in postage — both for us and for you!
We absolutely encourage members to sign up at to go paperless if they feel it is the best option for them. Next time you’re paying your bill online, you can also simply click in the check-box to make the switch to paperless. There are other options that you can take advantage of on this site if you so choose, including automatic payments and quick pay features.
To ensure that all members can still reliably receive their newsletter no matter their billing preference, each issue of Currents will now be mailed to you directly, independent of any bill, four times a year. While fewer issues of Currents will be hitting your mailbox each year, we will be providing more substance in each issue by expanding the newsletter to eight pages. Of course, if you prefer to do your reading on your phone, tablet, or laptop, Currents will still be available online too.
This new eight-page format allows for more content in each issue, bringing news, perspectives, and information directly to our members. We can share more in-depth stories, feature more money and energy saving tips, and offer new insights on what it means to be a member of New Jersey’s only rural electric cooperative.
In between issues, you can keep up to date with Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative by following us on Facebook (@sussexrec) or Twitter (@SussexREC), or by signing up for our email list at If we need to inform our members about something immediately when it doesn’t make sense to wait for the next quarter’s issue of Currents, our social media and website will be the best place to find that information.
We look forward to sharing this exciting new version of Currents with you all. Please be on the lookout for the first issue of this new era of Currents coming to your mailbox in late March or early April!