The webpage serves as a guide for companies that provide residential or commercial solar/renewable services to members within Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative's service territory. Be sure to adhere to all rules stated by Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative when designing and installing renewable systems for Sussex REC members. All of these guidelines must be adhered to in order for a system to be issued Permission to Operate.
Use the buttons below to access our interconnection applications and other solar-related pages. Please be sure to submit all interconnection applications and supporting documents to us at
Residential Interconnection ➤ Commercial Interconnection ➤ Interconnection Process ➤
Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative is a member-owned rural electric cooperative based in Sussex, New Jersey. We are locally-owned and managed and were formed by members of this very community in 1937 to bring affordable electricity to the area in a time when investor-owned utilities would not. Those who live on Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative's lines are considered members, not customers. Today, we serve around 12,000 members throughout our service territory, which includes portions of Augusta, Barry Lakes, Frankford Township, Hardyston, Highland Lakes, Lafayette, Vernon, and Wantage, all in Sussex County, NJ, as well as a small portion of Orange County, NY.
Sussex REC Rates and Fees
Below is information on the currents rates and fees charged to residential members of Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative on their monthly electric bills.
Monthly Residential Rate for New Jersey members (as of 1/1/2025):
System Connection Fee (monthly) |
$44.73 |
Energy Charge (per kWh) | $0.1335353 |
Power Cost Adjustment (per kWh) | $0.0000 |
Monthly Residential Rate for New York members* (as of 1/1/2024):
*NY rates are lower because NY does not charge sales tax on electricity
System Connection Fee (monthly) |
$42.00 |
Energy Charge (per kWh) | $0.1252382 |
Power Cost Adjustment (per kWh) | $0.0000 |
PLEASE NOTE: Solar-owning members will still have to pay the standard System Connection Fee on their monthly bills. All credits from solar production will be applied to the Energy Charge only. It is inaccurate to say that any Sussex REC member would be paying anything less than the current System Connection Fee on their monthly electric bills. Please see the "Net Metering" tab below for more information on how generated electricity will be applied to member bills.
Tariff for Electric Service
Click here to access renewable energy-related pages from our most recent Tariff for Electric Service. These pages are included in our interconnection applications.
For our full tariff, click here.
Please visit our Interconnection Process page for a full overview of applying for interconnection to Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative's system.
In order to interconnect a renewable system to Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative's lines, solar companies must complete the following steps on behalf of the member:
Part 1 - Designing & Sizing of the System
- Check town ordinances and review Sussex REC interconnection rules
- Determine if system will be rooftop or if ground-mounted solar is an available option
- Attain all necessary permits
- Work with contractor to determine the appropriate sizing and equipment
- NOTE: System size cannot exceed 100% of a home's yearly usage. Applications sized larger than 100% of usage will be returned with instructions to reduce system size. Members can review their usage information through their online account at
- We do not accept load calculations in place of actual usage records. If the homeowner has only recently moved into their home, we may request that additional time be given in order for us to establish usage trends based on electricity use in the home.
Part 2 - Complete & Return Required Documents
- Complete and submit required application for Residential or Commercial solar along with all required documents
- SREC Interconnection Application
- Interconnection & Power Purchase Agreement
- NOTE: While a solar company can complete this agreement and all other forms on behalf of the homeowner, be sure to include the homeowner's signature where needed and to attest with a representative's signature where prompted
- Schedule A
- PV Watts calculation showing system size
- PLEASE NOTE: Our power provider no longer requires applicants to complete the Renewable Energy Assistance Program (REAP) sheet
- One line drawing of the system and its interconnection design
- Site Plan
- Click here for an example of the required site plan.
- NOTE: Site plan must show an aerial view of the system, including panel placement and an exterior AC disconnect that is visible from the meter location
- NOTE: Systems designed for homes with meters detached from the home may be asked to provide a sample of a permanent, engraved placard to be placed at the meter to show the disconnect's location.
- NOTE: Panels can be placed on multiple structures but, per our rules, solar panels installed on a metered structure must be connected to that specific structure's electric meter and not to any other nearby structure's electric meter.
- Technical specification cut sheets of equipment being used
- Submit all required documents to Sussex REC through email to or by mail
- Submit the appropriate application fee to Sussex REC in a check made payable to Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative
- Please include the homeowner's name, street address, or Sussex REC account number in the memo line
- For residential applications, systems of less than 20 kW require a $100.00 application fee and systems between 20 and 100 kW require a $250.00 application fee
- Checks can be mailed to us at:
Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative
ATTN: Solar Interconnections
64 County Route 639
Sussex, NJ 07461
Part 3 - Upon Receipt of Completed Documentation & Application Fee
- Documentation will be reviewed to confirm all required information is included
- Once application and payment are received in full, documentation will be reviewed by Sussex REC's engineering department
- Once approved, Sussex REC will contact applicant via email to issue permission to install the system
Part 4 - Once Solar is Installed
- Schedule and complete the township/municipality's inspection of the installed system
- Provide Sussex REC with the Certificate of Approval from the township/municipality
- Sussex REC will work with you to schedule final field test of the interconnecting system disconnection
- NOTE: If the homeowner has an outstanding balance on their electric bill, any overdue charges must be paid in full before we can proceed with the final steps of the solar interconnection process
- Upon successful field test, a net meter will be installed
- A Permission to Operate (PTO) letter will be issued to the applicant
The primary concern for our cooperative is the safe operation of the system. One key element is the availability of a manual AC disconnect where our crews can lock out the system if they are working nearby. The lock out on the inverter is acceptable as long as it is accessible at all times. This means it cannot be in a garage or behind a locked gate. Designs without this feature will not be approved for construction.
Below is a summary of the required documents and fees for residential and commercial interconnection applications. When paying the application fee, please prepare the fee in the form of a check made out to Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative with the homeowner's name, address, or Sussex REC account number written in the memo line. Checks can be sent to us at:
Sussex Rural Electric Cooperative
ATTN: Solar Interconnections
64 County Route 639
Sussex, NJ 07461
For renewable energy systems larger than 100 kW, the Cooperative may require an independent engineering assessment of the impact on the Cooperative's facilities. This study is used to determine upgrades and enhancements that will be required on the Cooperative's facilities as a result of the interconnection of the renewable energy system. The Cooperative will provide the member with a cost for this study. Payment for the study is required in advance and is necessary for the study to begin.
The basic concept behind our net metering process is to accurately determine both power consumed and power produced. Based on these values, Sussex REC will calculate the monthly bill amount. At a minimum, the member’s monthly bill will be the applicable System Connection Fee as defined by our tariff and further revised as per your specific situation.
Each kilowatt hour of energy produced will be credited with the full retail rate applicable for the class of service. In months where the production exceeds consumption, the excess will be recorded in a bank. In months where consumption exceeds production, the excess consumption will be offset by the bank, if any is available. When consumption exceeds production plus excess bank, this excess consumption will be billed at the full retail rate applicable for the class of service.
True Up: Excess energy remaining in the bank after the period of a year is purchased on an annual basis by Allegheny Electric Power according to your contract with them. The following illustrates how our net metering process works.
System data inputs:
- Consumption from the premise net meter
- Production from the premise net meter
- Sussex REC tariffs
- When Production > Consumption, the difference goes to the Bank.
- When Consumption > Production, the difference comes out of the Bank.
- The minimum monthly bill is the applicable Service Connection Fee (SCF)
- In any month where Consumption > Production + Bank balance, the bill is the SCF + (Consumption - (Production + Bank))
Month | Consumption | Production | Bank | Bill Component |
Jan. |
100 | 90 | 0 | SCF + 10 |
Feb. | 100 | 105 | 5 | SCF |
Mar. | 65 | 85 | 25 | SCF |
Apr. | 65 | 60 | 20 | SCF |
May | 75 | 50 | 0 | SCF + 5 |
Jun. | 65 | 80 | 15 | SCF |
Jul. | 125 | 110 | 0 | SCF + 35 |
Aug. | 145 | 110 | 0 | SCF + 35 |
Sep. | 115 | 110 | 0 | SCF + 5 |
Oct. | 95 | 105 | 10 | SCF |
Nov. | 90 | 75 | 0 | SCF + 5 |
Dec. | 105 | 95 | 0 | SCF + 10 |
Total | Net energy to be purchased | Net energy to be purchased | 0 |